Student Accomplishments
Highlighting several Young Lab students' achievements from this past academic year.

Graduate Students
Postdoctoral Student John Schroeder:
During his time in the Young Lab, John collaborated on several projects looking at the impact of disturbances on ecological patterns and interaction networks. These studies, focused in the Sierra, explored the community impacts of trout introduction and wildfire. John will now be continuing his work in environmental health and conservation at the Rocky Mountain Institute, researching renewable energies and transportation. John's wisdom and positivity in the backcountry will be sorely missed. We wish him so much luck in Colorado!

Master's Student Rachel Behm:
Congratulations to Rachel Behm, who is leaving UCSB after completing both her Bachelors and Master's degrees here at UCSB. Her Master's thesis, "Ophionines (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ophioninae) of California and the addition of taxa into a phylogenetic reassessment of tribal limits," focused Ophionine wasps in California, both adding new species and reassessing the overall classification for this group. Rachel will be continuing her work with wasps, pursuing a Ph.D. in Florida with Dr. Barbara Sharanowski at the University of Central Florida. Congratulations, Rachel and best of luck in Florida! We're going to miss you!

Undergraduate Student(s)
Congratulations to undergraduate, Angela van Winden for graduating with departmental honors this Spring with her major in Ecology and Evolution and minor in History. Angela began working in the Young lab with graduate student, Michelle Lee, in the summer of 2018 in the Sierra Nevada. Since then, she has gone on to create her own work and senior thesis identifying patterns of phenology of campus plants and best practices for citizen science. She received the 2019 CH Muller Award for Excellence in the Plant Sciences for this work. CONGRATULATIONS, ANGELA!!